In addition to our commercial products, Mindsteam Software primarily provides services for companies wishing to take advantage of the full power of the Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Creative Suite.
We develop custom solutions for well known publishers. These solutions vary from custom InDesign and InDesign Server plugins, to scripting with InDesign in AppleScript, VBScript, and JavaScript, to full back-end integration for automated publishing.
Our products and services are used by some of the largest publishers in the world to create catalogs, magazines, newspapers, and digital content.
We specialize in multilingual publishing, and our commercial products assist those companies publishing materials in more than one language.
Contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it to discuss your publishing project.
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© 2008-2024 Mindsteam Software
Mindsteam Software | 2000 Alaskan Way | Suite 548 | Seattle | WA | 98121 | USA