• MindSpell for Adobe InDesign© and Adobe InCopy©

  • Here is a comparison of MindSpell's Mac OS X dictionary service versus InDesign's Proximity dictionary for Portuguese.
    The results are displayed using the dynamic spell check feature of InDesign.

    You can clearly see that InDesign's Proximity spell checker flags many correctly spelled words.

    This sample was created with Mac CS4.

    Here is a sample page of Icelandic text using MindSpell's Hunspell dictionary service. InDesign does not ship with an Icelandic dictionary.

    This sample was created with Windows CS4.

    Here is a sample page of Faroese text using MindSpell's Hunspell dictionary service. InDesign does not ship with a Faroese dictionary.

    This sample was created with Windows CS4.

    To see a brochure detailing the available languages, view our pdf below.


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